Search Results: cava

The Colonist Sparkling Wine Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 14th September 2020

The British, Spanish, French and Portuguese all fought over the Newfoundland of America, all the way from Canada down to Argentina, they fought long and hard in the ocean and on foreign lands, but one such fight took place in Jamaica in 1655, at the time, under Spanish rule, the British decided to take Jamaica to…

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Cocktails in a Can

By Oliver Walkey / 25th August 2020

You order a Cocktail because you want an experience like non other, you want to taste the expression of multiple ingredients all working together to create a delicious drink that you can’t buy ready made. Over time it has become more popular to see Cocktails ready made in a can and today we’re here tasting…

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Sparkling Wine grape production

How Traditional Method Sparkling Wine Is Made

By Oliver Walkey / 10th July 2020

Traditional Method, sometimes referred to as the Méthode Champenoise, is famously used to create Champagne in the Champagne region of France, but it isn’t exclusively used there. You don’t have to be in Champagne to use the Traditional Method, as Sparkling Wines in France, outside the Champagne region use this method, even Spain uses this…

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Enjoy Your Summer Days With a Glass of Sparkling Wine

By Oliver Walkey / 26th June 2020

Summer is here and the sun is shining more often than not, so it’s the time to head to the beach or park, sunbathe and enjoy an ice cream, the only thing missing is a bottle of bubbly, chilling by your side, I’ve comprised a list of Champagnes, Proseccos, Cavas and Sparkling Wines from all…

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What Is Spumante?

By Oliver Walkey / 24th June 2020

When you think about Sparkling Wine from countries like Italy, Spain and France, you think of Prosecco, Cava and Champagne, but there are more Sparkling Wines to explore in these countries, rather than just from these regions, for this article I am going to focus on Spumante from Italy. What is Spumante? Spumante is a…

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An Amazing Apricot Fizz Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 12th June 2020

We were recently asked by Daniela from Cooking New Stories on a video message for our suggestion of an Apricot fizz cocktail to enjoy and here was our response. The Sparkling Wine – Pere Ventura   Pere Ventura Family Wine Estates has three wineries under their name, with one being Pere Ventura, the winery is…

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The best wine for Camembert is Prosecco

Which is the best Sparkling Wine to go with Creamy Cheese?

By Christopher Walkey / 21st May 2020

One of the most popular pairings for wine, almost any style of wine, will have to be cheese. The variety of flavours that both wines and cheese hold gives us a near infinite pairing combination to explore. There are dry, strong, creamy, fruity, spicy, sweet, herbal and much more in both wine and cheese tasting…

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100 Award Winning Sparkling Wines that should be on your Wine Menu

100 Award Winning Sparkling Wines that should be on your Wine Menu

By Christopher Walkey / 20th May 2020

I have not tasted each and every sparkling wine around the world so of course, I can only base my recommendations from my own tasting experience which now stands at over 10,000 labels reviewed. From wonderful vintage Champagnes to red sparkling wines produced by farmers on the hills in Slovenia, I have done my fair…

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