Search Results: champagne

Interview With A Sommelier – Marie Hoppan

By Oliver Walkey / 12th April 2023

The World of Wine is beautifully showcased by an army of talented Sommeliers, who help the consumer discover their next favourite bottle, understand the different regions and pair a delicious meal with the right Glass of Bubbly. In this article, I speak with a woman who has helped many people to discover the vast world…

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We Need To Talk About Cava

By Martin Higginson / 12th April 2023

Has Cava got an image problem in the UK and what can be done about it? Martin Higginson, Cava Educator investigates why Spain’s premier sparkling wine has such a hard time competing in the UK market. What would be your first thoughts when asked about Cava? Chances are that the words ‘great value’ and perhaps…

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Time, Jazz and Tango

By Oliver Walkey / 11th April 2023

Starting with the goal to not produce another copy of Champagne, but to stay true to themselves and produce something new and distinctive. They accomplished their mission, with their Josipović Sparkling Wines displaying high quality, with the unique and recognizable characters that they were after, they have three Sparkling Wine labels on offer, with some…

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Northern California Sparkling Wine History

By Peter Birmingham / 11th April 2023

The Northern California Russian River Valley-Sonoma’s fallow land in the nineteenth century was a gorgeous and colossal wild refuge of Redwood & Pine trees. Clearing a natural resource bounty to natural supplies for building homes, and furniture, and drove an economy that was expanding to the west coast. The cleared land was destined for growing…

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Gruet Winery & Tasting Room

By Peter Birmingham / 6th April 2023

I was eight years old traveling west on Route 66 with my parents on a summer road trip to the New Mexican Cimarron desert, exploring geologic formations that made this part of the United States. I’d sit in the rear seat thinking of observational games to keep my mind occupied, watching swift Roadrunner birds (made…

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Interview With A Sommelier – Edward Bailey

By Oliver Walkey / 5th April 2023

The World of Wine is beautifully showcased by an army of talented Sommeliers, who help the consumer discover their next favourite bottle, understand the different regions and pair a delicious meal with the right Glass of Bubbly. In this article, I speak with a man who has helped many people to discover the vast world…

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Pairing Champage and Chocolates at Famille Richard-Fliniaux

Craft Chocolate and Sparkling Wine

By Kristian Kielmayer BA, DipWSET / 5th April 2023

When it comes to pairing wine with food, or in this case chocolate with sparkling wine, the first -unwritten- rule would be: there are no rules, if you like it, you have it then your way. The second sort of rule would be: “what grows together goes together”. Now, this does not apply to chocolate…

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Madame Pommery Rebecca Rosenberg

Book Review: Madame Pommery by Rebecca Rosenberg

By Christopher Walkey / 5th April 2023

“Madame Pommery,” the mayor shouts. “You are hereby put on notice of serious consequences to your business and your person if you do not vacate Butte Saint-Nicaise immediately.” The councilmen concur with stiff nods and jutting chins. “We’ll return in a week to insure you have left the premises.” I watch their carriage drive toward…

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What does Fizz mean

Are You Taking The Fizz?

By Christopher Walkey / 4th April 2023

“No, Fizz I said” as someone questioned what I had just stated, “I’m just asking where are you taking that bottle of fizz“. We commonly use that term don’t we, fizz, when it comes to describing sparkling wine? It’s dictionary descriptions put it down as ‘making a hissing or sputtering sound‘ or ‘frothy, gaseous drinks‘…

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