Search Results: champagne

Fizz & Treats for Republic Day

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 26th January 2021

The day India officially became a Republic is marked on 26th January every year. At the time of writing, Boris Johnson the UK Prime Minister had been invited as Chief Guest for the occasion in 2021 however had to cancel the trip due to the situation with Covid at home and globally. Although Indian independence…

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Touraine Sparkling Wine

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 25th January 2021

Touraine is an immense region, so big that the famous region of Vouvray lies entirely within it! The Touraine region itself is said to stretch the whole way from Chinon in the West, all the way to Orleans in the North-East, down to Valencay in the South East. The reality is that bottles of all…

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5 Great Slovenian Sparkling Wines

Slovenia: The Land of Deep Caves & Deep Sparkling Wine Flavours

By Christopher Walkey / 21st January 2021

Having travelled through most of Europe, both new and old, I have seen a great variety of style of wines from classic reds to vintage sparkling. Europe holds most of the world’s wine production, the biggest part of history and certainly the finest examples. The land holding the vineyards is truly wonderful and holding such…

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Three Northern Italian Giants

Trentodoc, Franciacorta & Prosecco – 3 Northern Italian Giants

By Christopher Walkey / 12th January 2021

I am sure that out of these three famous wine regions you will have at least heard of one, that being ‘Prosecco‘. Over recent years the emergence and popularity of Prosecco has been global with favourable sales figures, reviews and a growing fan base. Loved by many and loathed by few, Prosecco has been the…

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Busi-Jacobsohn English Sparkling Wines

Green Fields of Gold – Busi-Jacobsohn English Sparkling Wine

By Christopher Walkey / 11th January 2021

Diversity, Protection and Gold. There are just some of the words that can be used to explain a little bit more about what Busi-Jacobsohn English Sparkling Wine brand is all about. Diversity English sparkling wine production attracts many nationalities to the shores of Britain to fulfil dreams, ambitions, financial expectations and much more. It is…

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Fish and Chips with English Sparkling Wine

English Sparkling Wine with Fish & Chips

By Christopher Walkey / 8th January 2021

When it comes to traditional English cuisine then fish and chips remains in amongst the top option for being not only one of the most popular dishes still today to also what many people globally would associate with the English. Not haute cuisine and neither what many would say is healthy eating, to be honest…

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The Sparkling Wines of Villa Sandi

By Oliver Walkey / 6th January 2021

Villa Sandi produces what seems to be like an endless supply of Prosecco, but without ever compromising on quality, no matter what bottle you decide to pick up, you will get a worthy and enjoyable experience. Located in the picturesque region of Prosecco, with Villa Sandi having a foothold in the region since 1622, thanks…

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3 Winter Warming Sparkling Wines

Three Years of Winter Warming

By Christopher Walkey / 4th January 2021

I’m sure that we all enjoy our Champagne and sparkling wines during the summer months, those warm sun ray filled lazy days in the garden enjoying barbecues, parties, swimming pools and hot tubs. A refreshing glass of something fizzy goes down a treat when the sun is shining and the weather is warm. Though as…

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What does Prosecco Rosé taste like

What does Prosecco Rosé taste like?

By Christopher Walkey / 29th December 2020

One of the bubbling over with excitement releases of 2020 was for sure the long awaited arrival of Prosecco Rosé. This globally loved sparkling wine, Prosecco, was now to bless us with a touch of pink and much excitement continues in the industry and for sure from the start of 2021 when they become available…

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