Search Results: prosecco

Roast Trout with Prosecco

Roast Trout with Prosecco

By Christopher Walkey / 22nd November 2019

If you are seeking to explore the world of cooking with wine, and by that, I mean adding the wine to the recipe rather than simply drinking it as you cook, then sparkling wines certainly have a place that will impress you and your guests. Prosecco as much as it is loved and adored by…

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10 alternatives to Champagne and Prosecco wines

10 Alternatives to Champagne and Prosecco

By Christopher Walkey / 8th November 2019

I’m certainly not here to steer you away from either Champagne or Prosecco, both these wine regions I simply love and adore from the wines they produce to the wine tourism splendour I have enjoyed so many times from each region. In fact, I have only just returned from an amazing visit to Champagne Henri…

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Charmat method sparkling wines

Charmat doesn’t always mean Prosecco

By Christopher Walkey / 15th October 2019

In the world of sparkling wines, there are two main methods of production, the traditional method that sees a second fermentation occurring in the bottle and the Charmat method where the fermentation happens within large pressurised stainless-steel tanks. What exactly is Charmat Method? Also known as the ‘tank method’ the Charmat method (patented in 1907…

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Fruity Gin and Prosecco Cocktails

By Christopher Walkey / 16th August 2019

When the sun is proudly boasting its warm rays outside is when that temptation strikes us to pop into the garden/balcony with a glass of chilled wine and savour the warm atmosphere. For many, an upgrade to that glass of wine will be an injection of some bubbles and if we wish to take things…

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Moet et Chandon vs Prosecco Bottega Gold Brut

Prosecco vs Champagne – Bottega asks the Question

By Christopher Walkey / 16th August 2019

A recent email and suggestion to us from Sandro Bottega, founder of Italian winery and distillery Bottega SPA, grabbed my attention as he wanted to take a look at how Prosecco was comparing against Champagne and especially when it came to food. Having just released a new book dedicated to sparkling wines and food, (The…

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the difference between champagne and prosecco

What is the difference between Champagne and Prosecco?

By Christopher Walkey / 18th July 2019

Though many will see both these iconic sparkling wines as pretty much one of the same thing they could not in fact be further apart – It is not so much chalk and cheese, more dry-aged steak vs juicy homemade hamburgers for the BBQ. Here’s why: Both these wines have a worldwide fan base, millions…

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You Know You Love Prosecco When...

10 Great Prosecco Houses to Visit in 2019

By Christopher Walkey / 11th July 2019

Following the great and growing popularity of our article, 10 Great Champagne Houses to Visit in 2018, I decided to highlight some of the wonderful Prosecco houses I have visited over the years and which are great fun and educational for you to visit and enjoy: So for those readers who are considering a visit…

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Everything you always wanted to know about Prosecco, but were afraid to ask:

By Christopher Walkey / 3rd July 2019

I am hoping that not only those who love Prosecco have been attracted via the title to read this article, but like myself, also those of us who know of the comedy/cult classic movie from 1972 starring a host of global acting talent and directed by Woody Allen – Everything You Always Wanted to Know…

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Prosecco from Glera Bio grapes

By Christopher Walkey / 27th June 2019

Just how much do us Brits love Prosecco – How about over 150 million bottles worth in 2018! Yes, Prosecco has a special place in the hearts of many across the country with sales figures last year showing that over 150 million bottles or if we look at glasses of Prosecco (average of 7 glass…

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