Search Results: Slovenia

The Mauritius Navigator Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 13th March 2023

It’s time to discover a new Land, a new Sparkling Wine, a new Rum and a new Cocktail, navigating into the Indian Ocean to explore the small island country of Mauritius, just like 18th Century French navigator Louis Antoine de Bougainville did in 1768. Get ready for one of Glass of Bubbly’s original Cocktails, inspired…

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Changed History Cocktails

By Oliver Walkey / 7th March 2023

Henry Beckford, a freed slave who attended the world’s first anti-slavery congress, held in London in 1840, by invitation. An ardent abolitionist he was accepted into polite society and became a beacon of light emerging from a dark past. We’re crafting a couple of Glass of Bubbly Cocktails to honour his ventures in life with the…

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Cocktails – A Punch From The Darkside

By Oliver Walkey / 6th March 2023

Combining a ready-made Cocktail with some added Sparkling Wine is not always an easy task to complete, the flavours of the Cocktail are meant to have been crafted to perfection, so if you are adding an extra ingredient it has to be carefully selected to complement the tasting experience. Let’s meet the Sparkling Wine and…

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The Fashion of Sparkling Wine

By Oliver Walkey / 17th February 2023

The Fashion Industry was valued at $1.7 trillion in 2022, with the American people spending around $473.42 billion on clothes alone, the UK spent just under £55 billion, other than a dip in 2020, the Fashion Industry is on a rise, the people of this world love to be dressed in stylish clothes, to be…

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The Finest Floral Expression Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 17th February 2023

The Finest Spring Fling Expression Inside a Glass of Bubbly For 2022 was Vinag 1847, with their Chardonnay Brut, so when delving into a floral display one weekend and rising back up, I rose with the idea to craft The Finest Floral Expression inside a Cocktail, it was a no-brainer to utilise this outstanding bottle…

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Romantic Valentine’s Day Sparkling Wines

By Oliver Walkey / 9th February 2023

The day of love returns, in all its romantic glory, from flowers to chocolate, Victoria’s Secret to the finest Glass of Bubbly, a new year means a new range of award-winning Sparkling Wines, a selection of Fizz specifically chosen for love, each easy to enjoy, while still delivering a plentiful experience, but never distracting you…

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Winter Monkey Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 6th February 2023

We’re in the winter season and all we really want to do is crawl up into a cosy ball and hibernate until the sun starts shining again, and although we can’t do that all the time, we can certainly do it every once in a while, so whether you sit down in front of an…

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Where The Raven Flies – Metlika

By Oliver Walkey / 1st February 2023

The cooperative of Vinska klet Metlika was first founded over one hundred years ago in Slovenia, on November 14th, 1909, they have a vast history in the country of Slovenia before the release of their first bottle of Sparkling Wine in 2000. Over one hundred years ago on the 14th of November, 1909, the first…

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Turtle Beach Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 19th January 2023

Amongst the oldest creatures on earth, the Sea Turtle has been around and remained essentially unchanged for over 110 million years, due to their current endangerment, Lost Years Rum has partnered with ‘SEE Turtle’ to help save the Sea Turtles from extinction. This Glass of Bubbly Cocktail, the Turtle Beach Cocktail has been created using…

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