Search Results: champagne

CEI John Jackson

Champagne Enthusiast Interview: John Jackson

By Christopher Walkey / 8th June 2023

The love of Champagne travels globally and does so breaking down any and all barriers from flavour appreciation to languages. I have found that Champagne lovers, or we can call these people enthusiasts, connoisseurs, collectors and more – We are all very much alike in that we love to share our experiences between each other…

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How to Organize a Stunning Champagne Tasting Event

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 6th June 2023

Whether you want to host a small get-together with friends and family or you’re looking for an elegant way to promote your brand, a Champagne-tasting event is a great choice! These have become a popular option for business gatherings, and they tend to draw in the crowds. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to…

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Champagne and Chocolate Dessert at Duval-Leroy dinning

Indulge In A Sweet Twist: Pairing Champagne With Surprising Delights

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 2nd June 2023

Champagne, a delightfully bubbly beverage, is often associated with celebrations and special occasions. However, this effervescent drink can be enjoyed in various ways beyond simply toasting with a glass. Pairing Champagne with unexpected flavors and textures provides a unique twist to this elegant drink. Whether salty, spicy, or sweet, experimenting with different flavor combinations can…

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Savoring Bubbles: Perfect Pairings – Exploring the Art of Food and Champagne Harmony

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 1st June 2023

With its effervescent charm and elegant character, Champagne has long been synonymous with celebration and luxury. Beyond the toasts and celebrations, Champagne is a versatile and delightful companion when it comes to pairing with food. In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore the art of pairing food with Champagne, uncovering harmonious…

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Comité Champagne 2023

Positive figures released by Comité Champagne

By Christopher Walkey / 25th May 2023

Just jumping off from a live Zoom broadcast from Comité Champagne which shows plenty of positives achieved and exciting plans for the immediate future. Despite covid and the likes of global government lockdowns, effecting tremendously the hospitality sector, also Brexit and complications with transportation of Champagne from the EU to the UK, the Comité Champagne…

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Dom Perignon statue

Champagne & Sparkling Wine: From Ancient Times to Global Fame

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 17th May 2023

Champagne or sparkling wine is an ancient drink that is now an irreplaceable attribute of every special occasion. It is viewed as a symbol of status, quality, and prestige. At the same time, it is a symbol of celebration and joy. Many people call it a “happy drink” that can bring cheer and joy to…

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Oyster Cove – A Champagne Cocktail

By Oliver Walkey / 8th May 2023

Champagne and Oysters are one of those prime combinations that perfectly complement each other, like they were both meant to be joined together for a short moment in time. Normally the Oyster is consumed in its original form with Champagne, but this time, we’re venturing into the spirit world, with Isle of Bute’s first ever…

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Is Champagne Good for Muscle Building?

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 7th May 2023

Champagne offers no special benefits to the muscle-building process. On the other hand, neither is it particularly detrimental to your bodybuilding efforts.  In fact, of all your alcohol choices, Champagne is a smarter one than most for iron pumpers who want to enjoy a drink without negating their gym sweat equity. As a gym owner…

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Best Luxury Champagne in Europe

By Glass of Bubbly Content / 27th April 2023

Celebration in luxury doesn’t come any way better than indulging in a glass of Champagne. If you’re a Champagne aficionado, then you will agree there’s something undeniably fulfilling about popping open a bottle of bubbly and toasting to life’s most special moments. And when you choose luxury Champagne, it takes your experience to a whole…

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